1 min readJul 14, 2021


Tech Recycle

I need to recycle asap. There’s too much failed and obsolete tech cluttering my crib. I get claustrophobic whenever there are too many things in my space. I prefer minimalistic environments. Free and clean without excess. I only need the bare minimum of things in this world. When I buy stuff it is to achieve something positive. Everything has its purpose. I waste nothing.

I have four old desktops, too many cables, failed power bricks and much more undesirables. Been hearing about the right to repair devices but definitely not the old tech that I have. Recycling is the only option. I am pretty much tired of wasting days fixing old hardware. Some geeks find it stimulating. I can’t knock that. You learn a lot by troubleshooting things and making them work. But there comes a time when you need to get rid of stale things and nostalgia. It’s the only way to evolve.

I know it’s time to discard the detritus. Can’t let my space become a tech graveyard. Inertia is the enemy.

